Principal business partners

Ship agent operations are conducted at the Chiba Sub-office, the Niihama Sub-office, and the Tokuyama Sub-branch. The operations include holding meetings on main line loading times with shippers, shipment, establishing unloading agreements, and reporting to government offices. The Ship Agent Department places the most importance on the establishment of communication between shippers and main lines when promoting business.

Chiba Branch House130 Anesakikaigan, Ichihara-shi, Chiba
TEL:+81- 436-61-0575
FAX: +81-436-61-6447
▶Access details here

Niihama Branch House1-4-9 Nishibaracho, Niihama-shi, Ehime
TEL: +81-897-37-0134
FAX: +81-897-34-4691
▶Access details here

Tokuyama Branch House2-16 Kawabatacho, Shunan-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL: +81-834-31-1509
FAX: +81-834-31-1676
▶Access details here