Embracing 100 years of Tabuchi history, we aim to become a common carrier with a strong presence, for our further development and advancement to be a leading shipping company in Asia.
Japan is a country surrounded by the sea on all sides; for many years Japanese shipping companies have played an indispensable role in the development of its industrial economy and the nurture of its unique culture, such as transportation of goods in trade with foreign countries. Since its establishment in 1917, our company has overcome many challenges and become what it is today. On this occasion we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our clients for their tremendous support and kindness. As one of the few common-carrier companies in Japan, we will look back on the company’s long history and make the most of the valuable experience we have accumulated over the years to maintain a sincere and sound management policy. Not to mention, we are fully aware of our role as a shipping company and will continue to work with passion and pride as an environmentally-friendly operator. In addition to giving top priority to safety, we will moreover foster high-quality ship management services. From now on, the Tabuchi Kaiun Group, including not only myself but also the executives, will continue to work harder with determination. We look forward to and appreciate your continued support and encouragement.
President of Tabuchi Kaiun
January 2018